Tricky collision logic
This is a wacky physics based game, but the player is penalized for making a mistake. This leads to a handful of situations that originally felt unfair to the player.
💡 I didn’t want to sacrifice the fun physics goofiness, so I developed what I call a “fudge system.” The game uses a series of colliders of different sizes and prioritizes certain ones based on predictions of what the player is trying to do. It still allows players to make mistakes but shifts things in the player’s favor in any ambiguous situations.
3DS development using Unity
The 3DS is an extremely underpowered system (comparable to 2nd gen smartphones). In addition, Unity adds its own overhead. I wasn’t satisfied with any hitches or a poor framerate.
💡 Not a lot of Unity devs were making 3DS games so I was somewhat of a guinea pig. I worked closely with an engineer at Unity to troubleshoot a lot of issues that had to be resolved at the engine level. I implemented creative solutions across the board to fit everything in memory.